
Showing posts from July, 2017

Oracle SOA- Calling stored procedure via BPEL

In my this post, I'll share the details how can you insert a new line character in your XPath expression during assignment (assign activity in BPEL). So let's get started- In this post, I am using BPEL2.0, JDEV11g, Oracle Database12c 1. Create a new SOA composite application and add a new soa peoject- Calling SPViaBPEL 2. Drag a new database adapter in composite swim lane (external references) 3. Start DB adapter configuration as below-   4. Provide DB Adapter Service name-  5. Select existing database connection to oracle database or create a new then select the same. Make sure your JNDI configuration exists in weblogic server outbound connection pool.  Please refer for creating a new data source in weblogic.   6. Select schema then procedure from browse option(packge.procedure_name) 7. Continue with default values. 8. Finish it. 9. Create a new BPEL process with new schem...