
Showing posts from October, 2017

Oracle SOA Mediator Error - ORAMED-03503

In this post, I'll share the solution that worked for a SOA composite runtime error. I have created a soa composite with a WebService component, a mediator and a database adapter. Below error encountered during the composite web service test- Error JCA Resource , Error Oracle Mediator , ORAMED-03503: [Transaction Commit] Unable to commit transaction , Transaction has - been rolled back , XA JCA Resource SOLUTION Below solution worked for issue resolution- The issue was majorly associated with JDBC connection profile created in weblogic server. So we need to fix this inside weblogic console as per the below steps- 1. Login to weblogic server console- and navigate to Data Sources and click on that data source. In my case it is 'DBConnLocal06102017'. 2. Go to configuration tab and click on Transaction sub-tab. Check (mark) on 'Support Global Transactions' and select 'Emulate Two Phase Commit' option. 3. Just sav...