Oracle VM Server hangs with status 'starting' continuously
Recently I have come across an unusual behaviour of Oracle VM Server(Installed on bare metal) where VM manager is able to connect but when I try to start the server, it goes to state 'Starting' for indefinite time. Below are the environment, problem summary and solution worked for our environment- Environment- Oracle Linux 7.5 Architecture- x86-64 Oracle VM Server 3.4 installed on Bare Metal Oracle VM Manager 3.4 Problem Summary- There was some network changes in the environment that caused change in UUID of respective blade server and hence when we tried to start the blade servers, it goes to state 'Staring' continuously for indefinite period of time. Actually the servers were not started. Upon close observation and additional checks it has come to note that the UUID(Universal Unique Identifier) of respective bare metal server was changed. The same was seen in the log when I tried to 'REFRESH' there server via OVM- LOG in O...