
Showing posts from September, 2021

WSO2 APIM Open Shift Deployment YAML error for '@' value in password

In this blog, I would like to share a small but tricky experience while working with Open Shift Deployment of WSO2 API Manager. Scenario I have been using WSO2 APIM deployment template YAML from official Github repository and customized the same as per the environment. The important change was using external database MSSQL Server where the DB & password for respective databases  were created by DBAs. Problem Statement Once I configured the DB details and executed my YAML, it was successful. However when I checked the POD logs it shows below error- found character '@' that cannot start any token. (Do not use @ for indentation)  in 'string', line 286, column 21:               password: @x!~#321228H Cause The password value specified in YAML file contains '@' symbol in the beginning of the password and YAML considered it as indentation and hence caused error   Solution To overcome this problem, we need to either change the db ...

WSO2 APIM Custom Docker Image Run - Permission Denied

Problem Statement Recently I have been trying to build a custom docker image for WSO2 APIM v3.2.0 where I have customised the package and re-built the image using the updated package. Below is the directory structure - ProjectDirectory -Dockerfile I ran the command to build the image as $ docker build -t wso2am:3.2.0_01 . Image built successfully and visible as- $ docker images REPOSITORY         TAG          IMAGE_ID     C REATED            SIZE loclahost/wso2am    3.2.0_01   4bg83jd9abg1   2 minutes ago    1.42 GB When I try to run the contianer of respective docker image, it throws error- $ docker run -it -p 8280:8280 -p 9443:9443 --name apimanager wso2am:3.2.0_01 Error contianer_linux.go 370: starting container process caused: exec: "/home/wso2carbon/": permission denied: OCI runtime permission d...

WSO2 APIM Docker Image Customization

WSO2 Products Docker Image Customization I have got a use case where I have to do the containerized deployment of WSO2 APIM & Analytics (v3.2.0) on OpenShift. Also, there was a requirement to customize the docker image prior to the deployment on OpenShift. Below are the steps I used to deploy the customized docker image of apim & analytics (dashboard+worker) on OpenShift Cluster- 1. Download the apim, analytics base pack (3.2.0) from official WSO2 WebSite 2. For APIM/Analytics extract the zip package 3. Navigate to $PRODUCT_HOME/bin 4. Locate the file wso2update_linux and make sure file has execute permission or do [chmod +x wso2update_linux] 5. Execute the file ./wso2update_linux [below snippets are for in-place updates for analytics, same applies to apim as well] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [kumar@dev001 bin]$ ./wso2update_linux Initializing updates with credentials Please press 'enter' to c...

WSO2 APIM Analytics Dashboard Loading Error - SSL Issue

Problem Statement I have configured WSO2 APIM 3.2.0 with Analytics 3.2.0 and configured custom hostname as mydomain in WSO2 API Manager (Custom Hostname Configuration) . I have also disabled the hostname Verification attribute in Analytics dashboard configuration (dashboard.yaml) hostnameVerificationEnabled: false however, when I started analytics dashboard, it shows the success message in the console but once I hit the dashboard url  https://mydomain:9643/analytics-dashbaord, it just came with a black screen with browser console message as- Error getting SSO Auth URL The dashboard logs shows the below message- Unmapped exception feign.RetryableException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target executing GET https://mydomain:9443/api/am/admin/v1/custom-urls/carbon.super ttps://mydomain:9443/api/am/admin/v1/custom-urls/carbon.super Cause The Anal...