WSO2 APIM | Server Startup Heap Size Changes
Hello WSO2 folks, I'll be sharing another good experience of WSO2 APIM production monitoring & troubleshooting. Environment WSO2 API Manager v3.2.0.x Use Case We have deployed WSO2 API Manager v3.2.0.x on the OpenShift Container platform and got some critical observations in carbon logs. The initial deployment was successful and carbon logs were not printing any error messages. So the APIs are configured via the publisher portal, and subscriptions are done via the dev portal. API calls started and traffic on gateway components started. However, after some time we noticed that the API gateway calls are getting failed with HTTP 5XX error codes . Root Cause Analysis We have done the analysis of the issue and found that there is a heap size issue in the carbon server and it's resulting in the API gateway component going down. Following error logs were identified- j ava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Ther Solution This problem has arisen due to insufficient memory i.e. R...