Update WSO2 APIM 3.2.x using Update 2.0

Hi everyone, I am going to share how to update your WSO2 API Manager using Update 2.0 tool provided by WSO2. So, WSO2 provides the latest utility/tool for updating the products called Update2.0 This tool helps to update your product as an in-place update. Environment: RHEL 8.3 WSO2 APIM Version : 3.2.0.x WSO2 Update tool: Update 2.0 Step 1: Unzip the current pack of WSO2 APIM i.e. wso2-apim_3.2.0 and navigate to bin directory. [appdev@linuxhost]cd $APIM_HOME/bin Step 2: Run the shell script wso2update_linux [appdev@linuxhost]./wso2update_linux Step 3: Now, you should provide valid subscription details with WSO2; typically it's an email id and the password and it's the same as credentials to the support portal. So, we need to execute the update script located inside $APIM_HOME/bin, where $APIM_HOME refers to the APIM pack base location [appdev@linuxhost bin] ./wso2update_linux Authentication failed Initializing updates with credentials If you already have...