
Showing posts from December, 2022

Update WSO2 APIM 3.2.x using Update 2.0

Hi everyone, I am going to share how to update your WSO2 API Manager using Update 2.0 tool provided by WSO2.  So, WSO2 provides the latest utility/tool for updating the products called  Update2.0 This tool helps to update your product as an in-place update. Environment: RHEL 8.3 WSO2 APIM Version : 3.2.0.x WSO2 Update tool: Update 2.0 Step 1: Unzip the current pack of WSO2 APIM i.e. wso2-apim_3.2.0 and navigate to bin directory.    [appdev@linuxhost]cd $APIM_HOME/bin Step 2: Run the shell script wso2update_linux [appdev@linuxhost]./wso2update_linux Step 3: Now, you should provide valid subscription details with WSO2; typically it's an email id and the password and it's the same as credentials to the support portal. So, we need to execute the update script located inside $APIM_HOME/bin, where $APIM_HOME refers to the APIM pack base location [appdev@linuxhost bin]   ./wso2update_linux Authentication failed Initializing updates with credentials If you already have...

WSO2 APIM | External LDAP Integration

I am writing this article to share my experience while working with a secondary user store requirement in WSO2 API Manager. So, WSO2 provides an in-built user store for user management capabilities and facilitates integration with a secondary user store as well. A Secondary user store could be an LDAP, Microsoft Active Directory, or even an RDBMS user store as well. In this article, I'll cover LDAP user store integration with WSO2 API Manager and you can follow the path if you have a similar kind of business requirement. Business Requirement So, my business requirement was to provide token-based API access and to proceed with password grant type for token API while the user base remains in an external user store. Technical Feasibility in WSO2 APIM The requirement is technically feasible as an OOTB capability provided by WSO2 with some configurations via the carbon console. This article assumes you have existing LDAP server running. So I have to procure the following details from LD...