Troubleshooting WSO2 APIM in OCP- Invalid value securityContext.runAsUser
Problem Statement We have created a custom docker image for WSO2 APIMv3.2.x and deployed the same in OpenShift cluster 4.x. However, the pods won't getting in Ready state and below error observed while checking the events (oc get events) wso2am-pattern-1-am-1-deployment-0 in StatefulSet wso2am-pattern-1-am-1-deployment failed error: pods "wso2am-pattern-1-am-1-deployment-0" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context constraint: [provider "anyuid": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 1000670000: must be in the ranges: [1000710000, 1000719999], spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 1000670000: must be in the ranges: [1000710000, 1000719999], provider "nonroot": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "hostmount-anyuid": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider "elasticsearch-scc": F...