WSO2 APIM 4.1 OpenSource Pack Build Error- No Compiler Provided
Recently I trie building the wso2 apim product pack using the source code provided by WSO2 on Github Repository and I faced Java Compilation related errors. I'll share my experience about the same. So let's start- Environment OS: macOS Ventura Java: JDK 1.8 WSO2 APIM Source Code: APIM v4.1 Maven: Apache Maven 3.9.4 Problem Statement: 1. Downloaded the wso2 apim pack 4.1 from 2. Go to the root directory product-apim-4.1.0 3. Maven build command failure during mvn clean install Below is the error snapshot identified during the build process [ INFO ] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [ INFO ] Compiling 1 source file to /Users/kumargaurav/Downloads/product-apim-4.1.0/modules/styles/product/target/classes [ INFO ] ------------------------------------------------------------- [ ERROR ] COMPILATION ERROR : [ INFO ] -------------------------------------------...