
Showing posts from March, 2025

WSO2 APIM v3- Resolving API Retrieval Failure in Publisher and Devportal

In this blog post I'll share my experience in fixing the issue for APIs loading in publisher and devportal of WSO2 API Manager v3.2.  My WSO2 API Manager instance was running fine with respective functionality. I stopped the server due to infra/maintenance activity and started the same after 2 days. However, my publisher portal was opening, and login works fine but I found an issue post login in  Publisher  portal and the Developer. Portal  The Publisher and Developer Portal fail to retrieve APIs, displaying an HTTP 500 error. This blog post explores the root cause and solution for this problem. Environment WSO2 APIM DB- MSSQL Server as database OS- RHEL The Issue In a recent scenario, WSO2 API Manager’s Publisher and Developer Portal were failing to list APIs, showing an HTTP 500 error. The error trace in the logs pointed to a failure in searching for APIs: ApisApiServiceImpl Error while retrieving APIs org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementEx...