WSO2 APIM Changing the hostname for web portals
Hello WSO2 guys!
In this post, I'll show how can you customise the hostname of the respective web portals of API Manager viz. devportal, publisher portal, carbon console and the admin console.
Below environment I am using for this demonstration-
- WSO2APIM 3.2.0
- Ubuntu Linux 18.x
- Do hostfile entry in VM by editing the hostfile as vi /etc/hosts
- First download the WSO2 API Manager from here (I am using v3.2.0)
- Unzip the package as unzip
- Navigate to the bin directory <APIM_HOME>/bin
- Start API Manager as ./
- Open the browser and go to https://api.mydomain:9443/carbon & login with default credentials as admin/admin (it works because of hostfile entry)
- Navigate to the Service providers
- If you don't see any provider in the list, then just open two URLs https://localhost:9443/publisher & https://localhost:9443/devportal respectively and refresh the carbon console service provider page. Now you'll see two providers as apim_devportal & apim_publisher
- Click on edit for apim_publisher and go to
- Inbound Authentication Configuration >OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration >Edit
- Go to Section "Callback Url"
- Change the value of localhost by in the entire string
- Save it
- Repeat step 9 for apim_devportal as well
- Open the file <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/deployment.toml
- Change the value of hostname with ""
- Restart the API Manager
- Navigate to the URL in your web browser, & to check the functionality with new hostname.
- That's all
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